== Dozent: Fraser == Prof. Alexander Fraser fraser@cis.uni-muenchen.de For a very brief general idea about writing a BA and finding a topic, please see the first few slides here (this information is also useful for a MA): [http://www.cis.uni-muenchen.de/~fraser/information_extraction_2020_lecture/11_event_and_multimodal.pdf] ''' THEMES: ''' My team and I will offer a number of BA and MA topics in these general research areas ("themes"), the details of a specific topic will be worked out in a meeting with the student. Theme 1: BILINGUAL WORD EMBEDDINGS Theme 2: CROSS-LINGUAL TRANSFER LEARNING Theme 3: LANGUAGE MODELING (INCLUDING CLASSIFICATION TASKS) Theme 4: MULTILINGUAL MODELS AND/OR UNSUPERVISED MACHINE TRANSLATION Theme 5: MODULAR REPRESENTATION LEARNING IN MULTILINGUAL/MULTI-TASK CONTEXT (PARAMETER-EFFICIENT FINE-TUNING OF PRETRAINED MODELS) We may be open to topics in other similar themes as well, particularly if data and benchmarks for the topic are freely available and downloadable, e.g., from a "shared task" web page. ''' CONTACTING US: ''' If you would like to write a CL MA in my research group, please contact me by email before *February 24th, 2023*. If you would like to write a CL BA in my research group, please contact me by email between *February 27th, 2023* and *March 8th, 2023*. Information required: BA or MA, preferred theme, preference to write in English or German, Nebenfach, favorite two classes at CIS (and why they are your favorites), human languages you speak, whether or not you have access to a GPU, any ideas for the topic (optional). List programming languages you know (and how well). List deep learning toolkits you know (and how well). List two projects you have carried out and describe the programming languages and deep learning toolkit used. Miscellaneous: do you work at the University or outside? Do you have any major time commitments during the thesis period, e.g., classes, exams, work, other? What do you plan to do after the BA or MA? Any other information you would like to add. IMPORTANT: please include all information in a single PDF file and name this PDF file like this (substituting your familyname and firstname): BA_familyname_firstname.pdf or MA_familyname_firstname.pdf. Please be sure to check my web page for possible later updates to this information!   ------------------------------------------------------------------------