Comment 015

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Tags: * thank you to ARR team * for opt-out * improve communication * fix late reviews

"* The calendar has to be clearer (currently there has been a lot of conflicting information between 
emails/platforms/google calendar) * It should be easy to opt out of reviewing * ARR has received too 
much backlash from the community. It was an ambitious project and changing system was always going to 
be difficult. It has indeed been difficult but considering everything, I think ARR deserves much more 
credit than it's getting, so thanks for trying to improve our reviewing system!! * It's been exhausting 
to be action editor. It's not clear to me what is the reason for it, but there's been much more reviewer 
chasing than in the old system. It would be good to investigate why and what we can do about it. Maybe 
having longer cycles will be sufficient but maybe it will not. I don't want to go back to the old system, 
but I am certain we can improve the lives of action editors."