Comment 064

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Tags: * ARR bad fit for interdisciplinary reviewers

"I'm marginal to ACL. My community is speech. 1) While I""m eager to review a few papers a year for 
which my expertise is useful (and understand that sometimes the match may be weak), currently I feel 
that ARR is shoving at me an excessive number of papers, which are moreover mostly irrelevant. 2) Most 
of the submissions are low quality, making me feel that I'm largely wasting my time. I only want to 
review papers that have a good chance of being interesting/valuable, and I've appoximated that in the 
past by volunteering to review only for ACL and NAACL, and empatically not EMNLP. For now, I'm dealing 
with this situation marking myself as unavailable for months not immediately after an ACL or NAACL dearline. 
If these issues doesn't get fixed, I'll just stop reviewing for ACL. "