Comment 166

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Tags: * poor ARR meta/review quality * against year-round reviewing * improve communication with reviewers * improve interface for reviewers * against ARR * return to pre-ARR system

"The rolling review and Open Review ARR system have significantly degraded the quality of reviewing 
(at least from the standpoint of being a reviewer). It is much harder to judge papers when they trickle 
in instead of getting 6-8 at once. In addition, it is harder to plan for reviewing since it is continual 
instead of conference cycle based. The system itself is awful: Emails are sent to reviewers even when 
they have no actions or papers. Emails have no links to the overall Open Review system, much less deep 
linking to the task. Emails contain no names or way to contact to ask questions. The task list is hard 
to deal with (for example, the oldest ones show up on top, even if all tasks are dealt with). I frequently 
hit missing links within the system, even on tasks. Please, please go back to no rolling reviews and 
ideally using a standard platform like Start or EasyChair which have been honed for years. You are wasting 
our time as experts in the field using this horrific system."