Comment 255

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Tags: * improve matching * how to become AC? * soften desk reject

"- Reviewer matching should be improved. I have received very few papers to review in the past months 
and have never been sollicited as action editor even though I agreed to it and (I believe) I'm interested 
in a fairly broad range of topics. I don't mind at all having few reviewing duties, but this personal 
experience just makes talk about ""limited personpower of ARR action editors and reviewers"" less credible... 
- I have seen a few desk rejects for ""stupid mistakes"", e.g. using the wrong stylesheet, overshooting 
the page limit by 1 line, mixing up the uploaded files. If the review cycle is extended, such cases 
should be handled in a more lenient way. Losing one month for such a stupid mistake is acceptable, losing 
two months is not."